There are TWO ways to locate and download all PDF files in the Course Curriculum: 

1) A downloadable file, if designated in the title of the lesson in parentheses - always look either immediately below the video in the lesson, or in rare cases, the PDF download link will be above the video but if you see there is a PDF download in the lesson, it IS there right in the curriculum where you can 1) download it to your computer 2) locate the file on your computer and 3) print it out.  Please see screen shot for M3L2 (ie, "Module 3 Lesson 2: General Supplies and Supply List  (Video and PDF Download)" to see where this download is for the supply list, for example.


2) Please review the Module 2, Lesson 1 video about FB in the course curriculum - it will show you where to find all the downloadable files for the course right in our closed FB group. When you are in the FB group - click on FILES in the left hand column where all the downloadable files are kept.