Powerful Design and Personal Color with Pamela Caughey  

Student Supply List – most of these items can be found at www.ARTandSUCCESS.com/p/resources with images and links to where these items can be found. (Disclaimer: I receive a small commission by linking my favorite products to Amazon but there is no cost to you)


Supports (any combination of the following; you will be creating 16 paintings, each 5x7” if you are a beginner or intermediate student; any size if you are advanced). 


NOTE: You may go through this course in any 2D medium of your choice! Though my demos and about 3 of the 40+ lessons focus on the cold wax/oil medium, many artists choose to go through this course in acrylic, mixed media, watercolor or encaustic, etc. Please find below the supply list divided into two sections.:


Section A: For those artists who wish to work with cold wax/oils

Section B: For those artists who wish to work in any other 2D medium or who are on a limited budget.


SECTION A: If you are working with Cold Wax/Oils in this course

Arches Oil Paper (in pads or rolls)

Multimedia Artboard

Ampersand Encausticbord or Gessobord (cradled or uncradled)  gessoed board of this size 


Oil Paints

Oil paints – really any brand but Gamblin Colors makes a perfect set of Professional Oil Paint Set or Student Grade Oil Paint set which can be used for this course; the following colors are recommended, but if you wish to use something else, you can still follow along in this course (student grade is fine for beginners):


Titanium White

Ivory Black

Cadmium Yellow Light

Ultramarine Blue

Cadmium Orange

Alizarin Crimson

Permanent Green Light (or Viridian)

Dioxazine Purple 

Cadmium Red Medium


A few paints which lend themselves to glazing: Any color can be used as a glaze, but the following pigments are especially useful because they have a high oil content and thus are very good glaze candidates: 









*Quinacridone Magenta



OPTIONAL (but highly recommended):


  • *A few different sized oil painting brushes (if you wish to use more liquified paint mixtures or drippy paint); if you are a realistic painter, you will need finer brushes.
  • *Freezer paper or deli paper
  • *Razor blade
  • *Tweezers (optional)
  • *Scissors
  • *Cutting mat
  • *Murphy’s Oil (for cleaning brushes)


Studio Set up and Supply (some items are also marked “optional” but they are in this section since they are grouped in categories) 



*Markmaking Tools:  A WIDE variety of markmaking tools: ArtGraf, Graphite, Carbon pencils, Lyra Graphitkreide, Stabilo, china markers. Carpenter pencils, etc. are all listed at my website: https://www.artandsuccess.com/p/resources (Please view my video for more information about these types of mark making tools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxoIvUEyATw  )


Palette knives (I recommend at least 2; my favorites are the Ateco offset Spatulas)

1 Messermeister tool  

1-2 brayers of your choice (Inovart/Speedball are good brands)

Silicone brushes – varying sizes 

Variety of texture tools 

Acrylic Gesso (White, Black or colored; only if you are using untreated wood panels.

Arches Oil Paper, 12x16in pad or 22x30in sheets cut down (this is what I prefer)

Multimedia Artboard and Ampersand Encaustibord and Gessobord do NOT require any gesso)

Palette – Gray Palette paper, or Freezer paper, or glass (tempered glass is stronger; cover edges with tape), 11x14in or larger is highly recommended)



*Gamblin Cold Wax Medium (or Dorland’s or any other brand)

*Galkyd Gel (optional but highly recommended; I use it to strengthen paint film, make it more flexible, speed up drying time and it gives a slight satiny finish to your work rather than a matte finish) 

*One 6 or 8 oz squeeze bottle for mixing gamsol/galkyd (optional): 

* Gamsol (made by Gamblin)

*Gamblin Galkyd liquid or Galkyd lite (liquid)(optional): use this if you like “drippy” paint for working with paint brushes





Roll of paper towels

Wax or Saran wrap for covering paints at end of day

Roll of blue tape and/or white artist tape


Cooking Oil (Clean tools)

*If you are working Large-Scale on panel: Sanding block, Awl, Painter’s Guide for straight edges, etc.

SECTION B: Abbreviated list for those on a tight budget or who are working in other 2D mediums:

Paints or colored pencils – A set of Acrylics (professional or student grade; if professional, most acrylics are available in the same “named versions” as is listed for the oils in SECTION A) or watercolors or any water-based medium which includes red, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange, black and white (if you are using student grade paints or pencils, often times the names of the colors are not the same as the professional series but don’t worry about that – just use the colors above!).

Palette – a Styrofoam container, cafeteria tray, or white plate will work!

Brushes – assorted – use what you have

Support – watercolor or mixed media papers (acrylic, tempera, gouache, watercolor) or gessoed wooden panels if using acrylic.

Bucket or small plastic containers to wash your brushes in

Markmaking tools – pencils of different widths and darknesses

Roll of blue tape and/or white artist tape


Gloves (optional)

Paper Towels

© Pamela Caughey